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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

You're On a Special Assignment by Brook Marie Eneas

As a mom, you are on a special assignment. In your very capable hands, you have the awesome responsibility to help shape the next generation. This is an incredible thought. Just to think about how legends in the past must have been impacted by their households makes me realize how really important my assignment is to raise up my sons to embrace the future leaders they will become. Very often, I hear the importance of creating a vision for life but this principle is vitally important when considering child rearing. What is your vision for your child? How will you develop their character? How will they treat and relate to the opposite sex? We must visualize where we want them to end up and then learn to break our overall vision into bite size pieces so that we can create the masterpiece we desire.

When both my sons were born, my husband and I sat down and wrote out life plans for our sons. Don’t get us wrong, we didn’t plan out every detail of their lives but we did, however, develop an action plan on how we would create an atmosphere conducive to pulling out every gift our sons were divinely designed with. Did you know that now-a-days, the average college student takes 6 years to finish a 4 year degree due to multiple changes in majors; and, 40% never finish at all. Only 10-15% of those who finish college go on to work in the field for which they spent years and thousands of dollars preparing. When I hear statistics such as these, I wonder how good a job we are doing in parenting.

We have an obligation as mothers to:
  • Help our young ones figure out their purpose and teach them not to run after careers because of fame or fortune. In our society, we are enthralled with these two themes and deter our children from fulfilling their passion resulting in generations that are out of place and who seek affirmation in things and status versus their Creator.
  • Take notice of each of their gifts--no matter how small it may appear. Write down your observations and help them put the pieces of the puzzle together. Just imagine before David became King, he was overlooked and not even considered for the position.
  • Choose to speak life. Words are extremely powerful and have the ability to mold their perspective and shape their lives. This truth holds true especially when their behavior is contrary to our expectations. Remind them of who they are.
  • Develop relationships, have mutual respect and cultivate a connection with your children. My mother was a rock star at this and because she took the time to know each of us in a very special way, we have remained extremely close even to this day.
One day, you children, like Abraham Lincoln will turn back with gratitude in their hearts and say, “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother." Embrace your assignment.

Brook Marie Eneas @dgiinspired, has an uncommon gifto inspire women and girls to livtheir dreamthrough her passion as a life coachfitness coach and motivational speaker.  www.dgiinspired.com


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