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Thursday, September 13, 2012

My first day as a coupon queen!

I can't really say why I never took advantage of those little pieces of paper called coupons, but I had an epiphany last week.  Last week I decided to start clipping coupons.  I will be honest it was overwhelming at first...there are just so many out there!
Making my Menu

So I went to a site called The Krazy Coupon Lady (www.thekrazycouponlady.com) and my addiction began to bloom from there.

I am still learning but I finally decided to make a menu for the rest of the month and go from there.  For example, I knew I wanted to grab some snacks like Fruit Roll Ups and Little Debbie snacks for my kids, so I decided to look up coupons for specific items.  At the end of it all I saved $50 at the store!
I can't wait to keep learning how to coupon and bust my grocery bill!


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