What’s really holding you back from living your best life? We tell our kids that they can be anything that
want to be when in reality many of us are not living up to our own potential and pursuing the wildest
dreams that are secretly hidden in our hearts. We settle for less by thinking about all the reasons we
“cannot” instead of thinking of the possibilities of why we “can”.
What’s on your list of cannot? Is it that
you don’t have enough time, money, energy,
knowledge, or help? Or are you just simply
afraid to step out and
believe what
really can be yours and the very thought of “walking on
paralyzes you?
Listen, YOU were created to create. Everything you need is already in you.
What does not exist right now may be in your reach to develop. I have always been different—when
me it wasn’t possible, it really was.
When I
didn’t necessarily qualify for the position, I was still promoted. When things didn’t exist, I created it.
Here’s my bucket list of principles I used to design my life:
1. Understand that “greatness is a choice, not your destiny”. One of my favorite authors, Dr.
Myles Munroe, stated this quote and it changed my life. While your purpose in life doesn’t change, it will
require diligence, sweat
equity and sacrifice to achieve it. Burn the midnight oil, turn off the television, and say hello to a new level of discipline.
2. Take stock of your past. Our childhood’s play a major role
the way that we perceive life and the
way that we perceive ourselves. Allow your heart
heal from words said or deeds done to you
that were unhealthy and make the lesson
your servant.
In addition, take the good things that you
were taught early on in life and run with them.
3. Create a plan. Nothing spells failure like pursuing things prematurely. Do your research, talk to
your field of study, create a budget, be accountable to others and
just get started.
to celebrate small steps.
4. Believe in yourself. There is something great for
you to offer to the world. Just think there are over
6.8 billion people in the world and no one has the same fingerprint as you. That is just how
unique your contribution to the world will be.
Today is your
day! It’s time for
you to whisper to yourself that you
do it.

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